
Plecostomus in Cichlid tank?

by  |  earlier

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im going to set up a cichlid tank soon and i would like a good algae eater so i thought a plec might be good but the thing is, im not sure how big they grow, iv seen one in the pet store called a common plec would that be ok (in INCHES PLEASE!) Oh and what tank size? (IN LITERS PLEASE!) Thanks.




  1. Hi,

    Plecs can grow up to 12inches plus so you need a large tank for a common plec. But if you don't want them to grow that big then get a bristlenose plec these only grow to about 4inches.

    But there are other algae eaters out there which don't grow to big, socking loaches or chinese algae eater only grow a couple of inches so they should be ok.

  2. Well, beggars can't be choosers, so can do the conversions yourself.

    Your common pleco can start at 1' and grow to 1". If you're going to set up a chiclid tank, and are using the smaller breed of african chiclids, than you should get a pleco that's bigger than the fish, and if you're setting it up with something like oscars and jack dempsey's than you should also go with a pleco that's larger than your fish, and seeing as oscars and jack dempsey's grow to be of the larger variety, you should probably need a good size pleco to start with, like oh.. maybe 6 inches or so.

    A good size tank for a chiclid tank is nothing smaller than 55 gallons. If you're keeping the smaller breed of african chiclid, than you can't keep more than 5 or 6. But if you have larger chiclid's, like oscars, you can't have more than two. Each large chiclid should have around 30-40 gallons per fish, depending on the size, because Chiclid's are an OWN THE TANK AND RESPECT sort of fish.

  3. it will only get as large as it's tank will allow it to get.

  4. the plecostomus in a cichlid tank would be a bad thing if it wasn't at least 6 inches long because i had a red devil with  a 3 inch pleco and it ate its eyes and tail the next day but the pleco can grow up to as much as the tank can hold so if you have a 36'' in length the pleco can grow to about 1foot long.

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