
Pleeeease help me with king lear essay????

by Guest45046  |  earlier

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what is exactly an unaccomdated man, and how does this quote in king lear tie in with the theme of the unaccomdated man?Through tattered clothes great vices do appear;

Robes and furred gowns hide all. Plate sin with gold,

And the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks.

Arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw does pierce it




  1. Unaccommodated means not furnished with what is necessary.

    It ties in with the theme because Lear realises his wrong doings and follies when he loses all the luxuries of a King and it allows him to see more clearly as he has been removed from his high status.

    'By tattered clothes great vices do appear' means that when with nothing(broke lol) your vices(things you do wrong ect) become apparent and cannot be hidden behind luxuries or Kingly clothes/crowns ect.

    'Robes and furred gowns hide all' here is just confirming what I said above^^ that luxuries and Kingly clothes hide all that is wrong with them(vices/follies)

    And 'plate sin with gold' just means that people plate over evil and sin with gold to hide the fact that it is there.

    Basically here Kind Lear is just criticising the world that he lives in(i believe this happens when he loses everything and begins to become insane)

    Hope I have helped and you can trust my judgement I take English Literature :D

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