
Plot out the typical career path most American high school dropouts usually end up taking once they leave.?

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Seriously, what kind of jobs do these people usually end up with by the time they reach middle age. I mean, it's obvious most are flipping burgers as soon as they leave school, but I never see any older guys doing this. This means eventually the dropout finds work outside the fast food industry. My question is where do these people usually end up in 10, 20, 30 years after they quit high school?




  1. They don't. They live at home and do drugs all day while mom or dad, only one, definitely a broken family are out working. Then they spend the day on yahoo answering open questions, what a life.

  2. Drop step is either GED or no GED....I';d say most get a GED step is college or non....I;d say college....Nerxt step is will they grqadulate? I='ll say stpe: wiuth a bit of college and a lopt of muscle, they join the police departmernt or else, slaes and marketing somewhere....approaching middle age, they are on an assembly line or one step above somewhere before layoffs hit due to overseas imports diosplacing jobs here....

    middle age sets in....they are wither working or not....most are, but in polaces like retail somwwhere maybe, or packing in meat or other industry

  3. Well I don't know if my career path is atypical but I dropped out of high school at age 16. I worked for a few restaurants for about 4 years. Obtained my GED at age 21. From 20 to 24 worked different jobs Lowes, lumber mills and a couple of gas stations. At 24 I got married and started to work for a steel company. worked there for 5 years making descent money but it was hard work. I got back into school at 26 and obtained my bachelors degree in electrical and computer engineering. Close to graduation I started working for a small electronics repair company. Now I work for a telecommunications firm and am back in college working on my computer engineering degree. But that is my personal story.

    I realized that without college I would be working extremely hard the rest of my life, and I just did not want that. Oh and I have been out of my mothers house since I turned 20. I have been self sufficient since then.  My next step after graduation is to become a computer engineer for a company somewhere in the US.

  4. it is easy to stereotype dropouts as criminals and users but that's not the only path. A good job in construction, machine operation, welding, warehouses, etc can provide descent pay and a pathway to management position but eventually any good career usually requires a GED.

  5. There still are a lot of factory jobs in the US that they take as they get older because they pay better and the unions make sure they are fairly well taken care of. Or they end up working shipment jobs in retail store or other big businesses.  Some end up doing a lot of manual labor in construction and working for the state/city doing road work or stuff like that. But even now most employers are looking for some education even for their manual labor positions because of the machinery that is being used so in the next 20 years who knows what these people will be doing...

  6. I think alot of people who drop out of school are actually very talents at other things. They either go work for others or go into their own business doing contruction, home improvement, handyman work or mechanical work or go back to trade school. I know many people who are not educated beyond high school (1) is an expert furniture repairer for a top furniture store (2) office workers who have learned on the job to improve skills & maybe even moved up to management (3) I have afriend who dropped out & worked at the library & had to go back to get GED & she has worked there for 30 years now. Most people won't say they dropped out but they are all around us. You can work in a hospital & they will send you back to school to become a tech. & most the people I met while working in a hospital are in school while working.

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