
Pls,answer any of these questions or all of them?

by  |  earlier

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1.)What questions would a friend of mine, (who wants to come to the U.S next year for studies)be asked, or are likely to be asked, by a visa officer in a visa interview at a U.S embassy or consulate in nigeria or some other countries.

2.)What answers could someone give, so as to recieve a student visa for studies in the U.S.

3.)How can someone prove to a visa officer(a visa interviewer) that he has the intention of going back to his own country, after his studies in the U.S.

(pls,you may answer from your experience).Pls,give answers.




  1. 1) Your friend will likely be asked the usual questions:

    - Why do you want to study in the United States?

    - Why have you chosen this course/program to study?

    - Why have you chosen this University to study at?

    - How long do you plan to stay?

    - How will you support yourself?

    - What research have to done?

    - What will do you once you complete your course of studies?

    - What benefits do you believe there are to studying in the U.S. instead of your home country?

    There will be a few more, but they are the most common.

    2) Answer the questions truthfully, you have nothing to gain by lieing and if you are caught in a lie then visa application will be denied.

    Dress well, speak clearly, look the interview in the eye and answer all questions specifically. Be prepared - have all the required documents at hand, neat and grouped according to their purpose so that they can be accessed quickly during the interview.

    Be concise. You will only have a limited amount of time to make your case. You may only have 7 or 8 minutes with the officer, so first impressions are crucial. Keep your answers short and to the point, do not waste time on insignificant details or stories. Show a positive attitude and do not argue with the official.

    3) To show you have every intention to return home upon completion, you can prove this in three ways:

    Financial Ties:

    - Investments

    - Family owned business

    - Ownership of residence in home country (deed or lease)

    Employment  or employment opportunities:

    - Employment confirmation letter

    - Offers of employment upon return once studies are completed.

    Family Ties:

    - Immediate family in home country.

    - Leaving spouse and/or children

    - Fiance in home country

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