
Pls Answer this.....

by Guest61837  |  earlier

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I am on cd12 and not ovulated yet. But I think I have ovulation pains because I have a backache which isn't normal and stomach cramps. I want to checking my temp, ovulation, but I am unsure how to check for cervical mucus and what it means. Sometimes there is sperm in my underwear from intercourse so how do u know which is which? I know it sounds silly but its confusing. What shall I be looking for?.




  1. Try checking your cervical mucus before intercourse or wait a good while after. Usually soon before ovulation mucus becomes like egg whites and it should be stretchy. If you hold it between the tips of your fingers then open your fingers it should stretch a good bit. When its like this you are most fertile. It should be like this for a few days.  

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