
Pls HELP Me could it be cancer what should i do?

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My right brest hurts so much when i lay down on my right its as if i have a needle wanting to get out of my "nipple" my family says that i might be pregnant. Pls help me can this pain be dangerous




  1. No it's not cancer

  2. You could be near your period, you could be pregnant, or you just might be growing. It's perfectly fine, and DON'T stress if you think you are pregnant, because stress makes your period come later and makes for an awful lot of pregnancy scares.

  3. I have breast pain and have had 2 surgeries to remove lumps that were not cancerous.  They told me they weren't worried about it because cancer doesn't hurt.  I disagreed with them, but mine were not cancerous.  

    I would go and see your doctor to get the right answer and diagnosis for you.  My b*****s hurt around that time of month too.  I still have stabbing or tearing pain in one of them off and on.  Sometimes it feels like a needle stabbing me or someone tearing pieces inside.  We think hormones have something to do with it.  I pray that you are fine and that the doctor can find the sorce of your pain.

  4. Does not sound like cancer to me,

  5. it depends how old you are..If you quite young, it might be your b*****s still developing, It dosent sound serious at the momment...if you think it could be cancer try looking for a lump maybe ?? go to the docters if your scared they will help you straight away, and i dont have a clue about the pregnant bit but other than that i hope i helped :) Get well soon and try not to worry im sure nothing is wrong x

  6. I don't know why people think that Pain isn't part of cancer. My mother just got diagnosed with breast cancer and the only way she knew is because she had pains in her breast. this was in between mamograms that this happened. Get checked bottomline. If there is a history of breast cancer in your family then just check. It will ease your mind. Women after 35 should always get mamograms and do self exams if they have a history, but its a good idea to do it even if you don't. Breast tenderness can also be related to your period, pregnancy, or your body reacting to certain times in your cycle. Sometimes during ovulations my b*****s are tender and one of my ovaries are sore. Just to be on the safe side i would probably go see my doctor. Good luck and dont phret, everything will be fine! Let us know how it goes.

  7. no probably not

    haha nipple

  8. caffeine can cause breast pain/tenderness, also hormonal changes, also it could be underlying muscle or why you immediately jumped to cancer is beyond me

  9. Before you do anything!!! Go to the emergency room!!! Do not waste a second. Break your thoughts down you don't want to wait around if it's potential cancer. You want to check it out. Better to be wrong than sorry.

  10. go to the doctor jsut 2 check  

  11. Pain is not a symptom of cancer. Go see the doctor and have a pregnancy test.

  12. No i had the same prop! i asked my Doctor and he said CHILL it's just irritated!

  13. First thing is calm down. You need to book an appointment with your doctor. They can carry out the appropriate tests and put your mind at ease.

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