
Pls answer the question and create a creative sentences me?(about movie Wall-E)?

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1)The acronym wall-e stands for?

2)what knid of pet does wall-e own?

complete the slogan

I love wall-e the robot beacasue________(no more than 20 words




  1. 1. Wall-E stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class.

    2. Wall-E has a pet cockroach.

    I love Wall-E the robot because he has an unquestioned nice personality.

  2. 1. Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class

    2. Well, he has a cockroach that keeps him company, which he acidentally steps on from time to time.

    slogan: "I love wall-e the robot because he is a good helper to the Earth and if he was human, he would be such a sweet person."

  3. 1) Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class

    2) I don't know, it doesn't say anywhere but its obviously a bug

    I love wall-e the robot because he is funny, cute and cares about others.

    There is also WALL-A — (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Axiom-Class). Trash-compactor robots used aboard the Axiom, similar to WALL-E, though much larger. Did u see them them in a movie? Its those big ones when GO-4 ( Head of security and Captain McCrea's second-in-command, but is entirely subservient to Auto) and Auto trys to send Wall-e into space trough that garbage disposal.

    Hope u found out what you want!

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