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my older brother's name is Brandon, how can I call him in mandarin? is it " Brandon Ge Ge" or I can just call him "Ge" or "GE GE"?




  1. You can call him ge ge 哥哥 or  da ge 大哥 (well, a little bit triad style,, could be misunderstood ;-) ) but when you are talking about him with others Brandon ge ge 哥哥 is better (you may also have more than one ge ge).

    EDIT for Elena:

    ever been in Hong Kong, Singapore, or even Shanghai recently?

    Some people in Hong Kong even don't know their relatives original name and the "English" name is often on the ID card. Meanwhile she was just asking if she can call him ge ge .

    Amir: ge ge, di di, or for sisters  jie jie and mei mei, ( with variations like xiao mei and so on, are widely used in China instead of the given name. Not all people follow the same habits

  2. it's Chinglish, using English name and Chinese form of address...

  3. why not just Brandon? Is he your only borother?

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