
Pls answer this bout eye problem?

by  |  earlier

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i don't know what's wrong with my eyes. whenever there is air and it reaches my eye, even though the air is coming from far away as long as it reaches my eye, it feels like its burning. my eyes aren't red. is this serious problem?? it's not like this before and i'm really worried. can someone pls tell what will i do?? should i just leave this alone??




  1. Use drops with caution. Over the counter drops may make it worse, and prescription drops should definitely not be used unless they are yours.

    See an optometrist and ask what he/she suggests. There are tons of allergy and moisturizing drops available, but you should get a professional recommendation before using any of them.

  2. it may be dry or as a result of you having allergies. never leave symptoms unchecked. an ounce of preventions is better then a pund of cure, have it checked asap.

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