
Pls could someone explain in simple terms why we have daylight saving time and how it works?

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Pls could someone explain in simple terms why we have daylight saving time and how it works?




  1. 1st Q todrive us nuts 2nd Q don't know,don't care

  2. Originally it was to give farmers more daylight hours especially Scottish farmers.

  3. Its to give an hours extra daylight in the morning.  If the clocks stayed 'forward' in october, the hours daylight would be in the evening.  Many people would like it to be in the evening, as they are in bed in the morning when it comes light, and the extra evening hour of light would save on power bills, but when this was proposed recently, postmen and farmers complained.  They said it would affect the way they work.

  4. It is the government's way of making everyone get up and go to bed an hour earlier in Summer when then Sun naturally rises earlier and sets later. This means it hasn't been dark very long before you go to bed and turn off the lights, but because the Sun rises earlier it is supposed to be light already when you get up. That is supposed to save electricity. If you stayed up another hour, you would have the lights on longer. But I find that for much of the time in spring and fall, daylight savings time makes me get up when it is still dark, so I use more lights in the morning. I think daylight time should be limited to a few months in Summer when I can get up that early and still have sunlight.

  5. Have a look here. It is all laid out for you.


  6. It's a leftover from WWI. In order to have more daylight for farming the Government invented Daylight Saving Time. By moving the clock backwards and forward in Autumn and Spring you create another hour of daylight. In the Army we used to go to Zulu time on exercises, this could be 3 or 4 hours different to GMT.

  7. Well its so that we get extra time of daylight, hence daylight savings. I.e. when the clocks go back so its seven instead of eight it means when you get up for work it will be light sooner in winter, rather than having to work in the dark for a few hours.

  8. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    sort of right

    it was so the uk armys were not in bed when the germans came over to bomb us,as we'd be up an hour earlier

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