
Pls explain aspergers syndrome.whats the cure?

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Pls explain aspergers syndrome.whats the cure?




  1. Aspergers is a social disorder. It has no cure.

    Its a high functioning disorder on the autism spectrum.

    for detailed info read this article:

  2. It's a mild form of autism.  There is no cure, only love which the person with the disability needs.

  3. There is no cure, but there is help available to help. The biggest problem with Aspergers Syndrome is lack of social skills, and taking everything literally.  This website should point you in the right direction.

  4. Simply put, Aspergers is a social dyslexia, which means the person afflicted has tough time deciphering social cues and nuances.  It's uncurable in the same way that a person born with Down's syndrome will be affected all throughout his/her life.  It can be managed, however, so that the person will be more functional than he/she would be without any kind of help or intervention.

  5. Aspergers is something on the autism spectrum.  My small child has been diagnosed with autism.  What I can explain is he used to enjoy interacting with us when he was a baby up until somewhere around 18 months.  He was starting to talk.  barely.  say bye-bye and wave and small stuff like that.  Then he lost it.  We didn't notice at first.  Just thought maybe he was slow.  His changes were rather rapid, but perhaps we were in denial.  He never progressed in his language and stopped saying anything recognizable.  He quit making eye contact.  He doesn't respond to his name.  For a time he was doing alarming repetitive stuff.  He does want to be around us.  He'll lead us by hand to whatever it is he's got his mind on.  We're trying to teach him to point.  Which they say helps language.  Something about abstract thinking.

    I've been told there is no cure.  But here's what we've done so far.  I read that autism symptoms are very similar to mercury poisoning symptoms.  We've stopped feeding him anything with wheat or dairy.  According to a site I read about autism being a whole body disorder this helps some people's bodies get back on balance by depriving yeasts in the digestive tract of nutrients they need.  Once those yeasts start dieing off other substances are able to be produced that help the body get rid of metals and toxin the same way most people are able to.  Not alot, but some, gradually.  I'd have to read it again, cause I don't remember all the specifics.  We also quit feeding him fish for about two months.  Now we give him some about once a week.  It's been close to three months now since we started this.  He hasn't started to speak anything.  He has started to point sometimes.  But, not much.  Very recently he has started to make prolonged eye contact.  This is something he hasn't done since before we realised he wasn't making eye contact anymore.  At the same time, he has been throwing tantrums that we can't figure exactly what the reason is.  I'm hopeful.  Perhaps his tantrums are due to his difficulties in the renewed eye contact and new communication in finger pointing.

    We've got another doctor visit coming up to draw blood to check chromosomal damage, lead or mercury, fragil X among other things.

    I pray everything works out for you.  I pray everything works out for us.

  6. Asperger syndrome is part of the autistic spectrum of disorders. It is classified by the triad of impairments, difficulty with social imagination, difficulty with social interaction and difficulty with social communication. People with Asperger syndrome are quite often called high functioning and can be extremely intelligent. Whilst they can be very intellectual they often have no social skills and have great difficulty interacting with other people, especially people that they do not know. A lot of people with AS develop obsessions with things and people and they very often live their lives in a strict routine which gives them security. There is no cure for Asperger syndrome as it is a pervasive development disorder so you are born with it and will always have it.

  7. There isn't a cure for Aspergers. It is one of the Autistic Spectrum Disorders.

    This link should help you...

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