
Pls give a good sample of Child Adoption agreement between the birth monther and adoptive parents?

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Child Adoption agreement




  1. It doesn't matter what you put in.  If it is in one of the many states where it is not legally binding it is just a piece of paper with words on it.  It means nothing.

  2. There is no way to make it legal and no way to ensure it is upheld so put whatever you want in it. Either the APs will honor it or they won't, regardless the first parents have no legal leg to stand on.

  3. We just adopted our daughter and we signed a adoption agreement or mediation.  We agreed to have the siblings visits and birth grandma - birth mother side of the family( 2 adopted by  relatives, boy and a girl) at least once a month and also participate in major events like graduation, religion events, birthdays and 1 holiday with the siblings, birth mother is out of the country, we email pictures and updates but I don't have to do it with her, but we do it anyway.  We have a nice communication with them, my girl is 19 months but also the agreement said when she is 10 years old and don't want to see them anymore she can veto the visits, and we supervised the visits, and we never, ever let our baby overnight visits, but that if is OK with us, now is OK cause our baby still little but when she goes to school and start with sports the visits would be less

  4. Having been a birthmother I do not think you should lie in it, or put things in it you are not willing to do as this is false information for that parent. You should talk with her, decide on and open or closed adoption. My family has been involved in many kinds of adoption (I have been a birth mom, I also have adopted siblings and cousins who we are close to) Usually it is more pictures and info in the beginning to kind of help ease the moms hard time through it all (if it is an open adoption) and then it gradually gets fewer and fewer till it is a letter and a few pictures once or twice a year. Some people keep it very open though with the bio mom always in the baby's life. It really is what you guys talk about and feel comfortable about

  5. It doesn't matter what you put in the "agreement," it's not going to be upheld if the AP's change their mind or lie. Bottom line, adoption is forever. There are no laws protecting the rights of the child or the first mom.

  6. i think (depending on teh people) that if you have a mother or father giving up their child because they know that someone else would do better for them but they still love them or the child has already gotten attachted then they should make it  an open adoption but if the child is being adopted for the sake of his/her saftey from the parents then they shouldnt have any contact at all til 18.

  7. Be honest, and realistic.  while it is not legally binding, stick to what you say.

    Allow for provisions such as if you work in a primary manufacturing area and their are massive layoffs, you may have to move.  The next 18 years are so you cannot definatively say what will happen, so I think it woudl be good to lay out scenarios where the agreement may have to be altered.

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