
Pls help, 10 points for best ans.!!!?

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For debate, our motion is 'This house would ban smoking in all public places. We are the opposition. Could you tell us some substantives we could find useful?





  1. i tried. i could not think of it. i would ban smoking anywhere and will fight for it

  2. Opposition to ban smoking:

    Against freedom/freewill

  3. smoking is stupid. but your on the wrong side for that one.

  4. By banning smoking in all public places you would be encroaching on the freedoms of people who like smoking. I mean, where does this stop? If you smoke in your house, eventually the smoke goes outside. Is this illegal?

    If they want to ban cigarette smoke, then they should ban automobiles, as they produce carbon monoxide.

    I'm not a smoker, I'm just thinking of ideas for you.

    Personally, I think they should ban cigarettes, or legalize other drugs. It's so hippocritical.

  5. sorry don't know

  6. There are many things in life that are harmful and potentially dangerous.  Smoking is just one of them.  Banning is always a breach of someone else's civil liberties and should only be used as a last resort.  Banning seems to become infectious.  If one group is banned then they may seek to ban something else in retaliation for their loss of freedom to do what they like.  Simply imagine what you enjoy doing and then ask yourself how you would feel if it was suddenly banned, whether it be drinking, taking drugs, skateboarding or bungee jumping.  All are potentially harmful activities but what would life be like if we banned everything.

  7. sorry i cant really help you there, i don't think there are any good words you could put together to win that debate

  8. I'm a definite non smoker grateful for the ban, but it's not hard to build a strong case against the ban.  Here are some resources for you...

    Those opposing a smoking ban say that freedom of choice would be affected by such legislation. Some people against a ban say that smoking bans damage business. A smoking ban could lead to a significant fall in earnings from bars, restaurants and casinos. Another argument is that the smoker has a basic human right to smoke in public places, and the ban is a limitation for smokers' rights. Businesses, smokers, publicans, tobacco industries, stars, and some of the non-smokers oppose public smoking ban. Smokers light a cigarette because they need to smoke, not because they want it,.

    Alternatives to a legal ban

    The Voluntary Charter on Smoking in Public Places has, since its beginning in 1998, worked to alter practice in the hospitality industry towards providing smoking and non-smoking areas in, and improving ventilation systems to discharge smoke from, confined public areas. This makes the use of the law to impose a ban unnecessary and heavy handed.

    Progress without a legal ban

    Public services, such as public transport, cinemas, shops, and businesses, have developed no-smoking policies without the need for a legal ban. Pizza Hut recently decided to ban smoking in all its outlets without a legal ban.

    Individual freedom

    The section of the population that choose to enjoy smoking should not be demonised and marginalised by being threatened with legal bans. The freedom of 13 million adults should be respected and their lifestyle should be afforded a sense of measured tolerance.

    Public attitudes

    Surveys have indicated that the population is content with progress towards smoking and non-smoking areas in public places, along with better ventilation systems, rather than favouring a legal ban.

    Economic issues

    The banning of smoking in public areas such as pubs, bars and restaurants would have a serious detrimental effect on the businesses and the jobs that depend on them.


    The toxic nature of environmental tobacco smoke is not significant. Mainstream smoke, inhaled by the smoker, contains nicotine in its particle state. Sidestream smoke, exhaled smoke and smoke from burning cigarette ends sees nicotine changing from particles to vapour. Environmental smoke has nicotine in vapour form that is highly diluted.

    There's also a very strong article on Wikipedia.

  9. if smokers are looked down upon, shouldnt obese people be looked down upond? when a smoker smokes in a smoking area and gets bad looks, shouldnt an obese person eating an unhealthy meal get bad looks? they are both destroying there health, though smokers are not guaranteed death if they keep smoking, where as an obese person is guearanteed death if they continue there habits for long enough

  10. :Let me first add that I only smoke 1 cigarette a day (sadly so...I should quit) and I am not for smoking...I am against...but for the cause of your project..I will add some points I came accross and comented on..

    Nicotine affects chemicals in your brain and, after a puff, you usually feel good for a moment or two, which is why many smokers view smoking as stress relief when under pressure.  Some areas of the brain are pleasure related and when stimulated give the feeling of relaxation and reduced anxiety

    .....SO > if smoking is not allowed we will have more stressed out folk to deal with...not good...isn't the world a dangerous place already?

    Nicotine Cravings And Withdrawal....

    Cravings and withdrawal symptoms when you quit smoking are a common experience....Yes I can vouch for that!

    It is the way your body reacts when it stops getting nicotine and all the other chemicals in tobacco smoke.

    Headaches (occasional)...but still..its annoying and uncomfortable and who has money for medical bills theses day..and also..why don't we stop smoking and trade it for pain pill addiction?, indigestion, nausea, diarrhoea (aarggg) and sore throats rarely last more than four days.  Still do we need more sickness?

    Insomnia ( so who is going to be productive??) and an increased tendency to dream.

    Tea and coffee contain caffeine and, without nicotine, your body absorbs much more of this stimulant, which can make you restless, irritable and sleepless for a while.

    Irritability, depression or anxiety are closely connected to the physical action of nicotine leaving your body and will lessen over one to three weeks.....again...are we equipped to deal with these problems?

    Increased appetite and possible weight gain.  > Weight gain comes with its own health basically its a trade of one bad another bad thing...What is worse??

    Tiredness and lack of concentration....oh boy the list just gets worse...

    Seriously tho...its a tough one....because when my husband quits smoking...he becomes like a pregnant a really really bad mood...and personally I can't deal with it

    Good luck...and some advice not for the project..but just something..I should want to add....the moral of the story is...Don't start smoking in the first place!!!!!

  11. First try to all try to find some cue about the law about smoking in your country because there are other countries that allow smoking in any public places. Next do some research in this manner/asked some question to yourself.

    1. What are the side effects of smoking to our health?

    2. How many people die every year because of smoking? Try to get the percentage- cause it's more accurate.

    3. Can we put a law to stop smoking in public places?

             Try this site to get some information about your TOPIC.

  12. smoking is so g*y

    people please answer mine;...

  13. free choice

    infringement of rights

    complies witht the meaning public

    divided public opinion

  14. I don't like to smell people's smoke. Get a place for their smoking habit.

  15. I smoke.  Have you ever seen a firefighter fight a fire who didn't?  Rhetorical.  Smoking does adapt the lungs to a firefight in a very specific way.  I've been there first hand.

    Should any EVER live in a perfect world, where fire doesn't exist, ...

    Why to ban?  It annoys the neighbors.  I've been in a burning room (from a cigarette that fell into some oily clothes and a tire), there's a good reason.  The responding officers choked out and were incapable of dealing with the smoke.  I put the fire out with some water, at which time, fans got installed and I was refused treatment for a minor burn that I asked for some ice on.  I've rarely ever been that pissed off.  Then the campus cops hosed the computer and room (fire out) to joke about the next day.  I was not amused.

    I'm still not amused about that.  10 yrs later.

  16. It would drive out some of the pubs and clubs etc out of business due to the fact that they used to be places where people would go and drink&smoke but as the local shops would have cheaper drinks, people would see no points in going out when they could smoke in their own home.

    Some people beileve that it is against their right of free will because they are told what to do in the public places.

    Some people beileve that it would make the nation messer due to the fact that there would be ciggie bums everywhere outside as that is pretty much the only place where they can go.

    I am sorry I couldn't help more but I am actually pleased for the ban!

  17. lol is it ur skool h/w?hehe

  18. 1.  Expand from the right to smoke in one own house.  It would be wrong to prohibit a person from smoking in his own house.

    2.  If its okay to smoke in your own house, can you have friends over who could also smoke.  It would be wrong to prohibit a person from smoking in his own house and having friends over who also smoke.

    3.  That same person wanted to open a business in his own house.(skip and the business license complication) If he post his home and business place as a smoking establishment why is it okay for a none smoker to come in and tell him he can't smoke there just because he wants to buy something from you.  He can just go elsewhere if he doesn't like the smoke.

    *Note: I am a none smoker who doesn't like anyone's rights taken away just because some people don't like it.  We are making personnel preferences, laws.

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