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take a look at the following sentences and give your comment. are these gramatically right?

The Minutes were reviewed and approved by the Preseident of the Board and was seconded by Vice President and the Committee members

another one..

It was noted that the number of patient’s visits has increased in the year 2003 (78,098) as compared to the year 2004 (51,921).


The President has presented to the committee the Revenue as of the year 2006 is $ 300,880.00 which is very low down as compared to the year 2005 was $ 500,184.00




  1. The Minutes were reviewed and approved by the President of the Board, Vice President and the Committee members.

    It was noted that the number of patient visits has increased in the year 2003 (78,098) compared to the year 2004 (51,921).

    The President presented to the committee, the comparison of the 2006 ($300,880.00) and 2005 ($500,184.00) revenue.  The comparison shows there is a significant decrease within those years.


    The 2005 revenue ($500,184.00) and 2006 revenue ($300.880.00) was presented to the committee by the President, showing a significant decrease.

  2. In addition to the corrections made by everyone else, let me add that there's no need to capitalize president, board, committee, minutes, revenue, or vice president.  Unless you're using it as a title (President Bush), use lower case.

  3. The Minutes were reviewed and approved by the President of the Board and was seconded by the Vice President and Committee members.

    It was noted that the number of patient's visits had increased in the year 2003 (79,098)  as compared to the year 2004 (51,921).

    The President has presented to the committee the Revenue as of the year 2006 is $300,880.00 which is very low down as compared to the year 2005 which was $500,184.00.

  4. Take a look at the following sentences and give your comment. Are these grammatically correct?

    The minutes were reviewed and approved by the President of the Board, and were seconded by Vice President and the Committee members

    another one..

    It was noted that the number of patients' visits has increased in the year 2003 (78,098) as compared to  2004 (51,921).


    The President has presented to the Committee the revenue as of the year 2006 is $ 300,880, which is very low compared to the year 2005, in which it was $ 500,184.

    Made a few spelling and sentence structure changes in addition to grammar.

  5. you misspelled president!!!!!! bad girl!

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