
Pls help anybody pls pls pls?

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can someone please tell me what dye to use for staining the following things:




Lacto Bacillus




  1. Lactobacillius is a bacterium.  Methyl blue would allow it to be visualised well under a microscope.  However, to get more information about the type of bacteria it is, a "gram stain" is often done. This involves crystal violet, iodine, ethanol and saffarnin.

    I'm just off to google the other organisms in your question...

    Ok, Nostoc is also a bacteria, but it is a cynobacteria (blue green algae) and it has fillaments that make staining messy

    You could also gram stain it, but I've found the dye Coomassie Blue associated a lot with Nostoc.

    Spirogyra are unbranched filamentous green algae which have starch containing bodies called pyrenoids inside them. Lugol's iodine is used on spirogyna because it turns the starch black.

    Rhizopus is a mould which often grows on bread and can be stained with iron-alum haematoxylin which brings our the nuclei well.

  2. Lisa, why are you doing this guy's homework for him?  You're not helping him, in fact, you're doing quite the opposite.  Are you so bored that you need to do other people's homework for them, thereby contributing to the decline of intellectualism in this country?  You would have done this idiot a a favor if you had just said something like, "Do a google search moron".  You know, then you would have taught him how to fish rather than just supplying him with the filets.  And let's face it, someone who is too dumb or too lazy to do a google search is waste of DNA anyway.  SO WHY BOTHER WITH HIM?  You should be using your considerable intellectual talents for the good of society.  Stop wasting your time helping complete strangers who are too dumb to breathe...  

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