
Pls help im puzzled by americans behavior im working as call center rep in the phils?

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my work involves calling up businesses for the yellow pages and we have to update their business listings and to inform them that they have a 30 day featured ad for free with us this year..SOME yell at me for no reason at all,SOME are racist,SOME does not even listen to what im saying and instantly assume im selling something

but all we do is updating their listing for them and say that theyre bening invited to try out the trial and that they can cancel it anytime..if the want to continue its $35 a month but only if they want to that hard to understand?whats the best approach to make them LISTEN?




  1. Your a telemarketer it doesn't matter what your calling about. No one enjoys getting a call and running to the phone just to hear you wanting them to buy some product, that's why we have shopping online and stores.

    Oh you said business, I missed that part, that's a little weird since business should be worried about the yellow pages listings to keep their business running. I still use yellow pages to find a number for a business but I have been using Google Maps more often although.

  2. No, matter what your supervisor tells you, it is still telemarketing to us Americans.  If you are that sensitive maybe you should find yourself another line of work.  Americans are so over worked and under paid, they don't want to come home to relax only to get a call from someone selling or inviting them to something.  You can thank you scam artist for that.  I had a job telemarketing for Bank of America and hated it, as soon as I realize what we were actual calling people to do, I got out found myself another job and have been happy ever since.  Unfortuanetly what makes it worse is that you are from a another country, you can also thank the Nigerian scam artist for that.  Best of Luck to you.

  3. You have a very hard job -- because telemarketers are not normally entertained.

    Tama o mali, bwisit ang mga Amerikano sa mga tumatawag sa telepono na sales rep -- especially kung may accent (and Filipinos, no matter how hard they try to speak with American twang, typically still sounds like a Filipino trying hard to sound American). And Americans can immediately tell that you're a foreigner, no matter how hard Filipino telemarketers copy the American accent

    Here are some tips:

    1. Be mindful of the time you are calling. US is a big country that there are various timezones. Do not call around lunch time or around 5 pm when people are in a hurry to leave

    2. People are turned off when they see your name and number hidden in the caller ID. When they see the name as "unknown" or something, they immediately think you are fishy and scam artists. All telemarketers I've dealt with especially Pinoys always have their phone numbers and name hidden on caller ID.

    3. Let them know immediately that you are calling regarding their Yellow Page advertising. Let them know IMMEDIATELY that you have an existing relationship with them -- that you are not trying to recruit them or sell something new to them, but that you are calling about your current business relationship

    4. Lastly, get a thick skin. Telemarketing is a job that you need to get used to screaming, shouting, banging of phones. It's a thankless job. I remember a family member who owned a telemarketing company in California before and his biggest problem was recruiting employees -- because Americans know how much Americans hate telemarketing

    Filipinos on the other hand, have a booming call center business where the pay is typically higher than other jobs. It's a HARD JOB.

    Pakapalan ng mukha ... and learn to just let go when someone screams at you -- and then dial the next number. It's not personal so hwag mong damdamin. Otherwise, get another job because this is what you will experience day in and day out.

  4. You may not realize how intrusive telemarketing is for Americans, who are often extremely busy (overworked) on the job. Even if your call is honest, most businesses suffer from criminals posing as legitimate callers, but who are trying to get business information for scams.

    Second, most Americans are upset because there is wide perception that jobs are being lost to workers overseas--so you are worrying them by the fact that you are calling.

    That's no excuse for rude and racist behavior, but your calls are annoying and worrying people.

    Question: do they have to give a credit card number for the "free" listing, and then go through some process to cancel? If so, you are selling something.

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