
Pls help im working as call center rep here in the phils and havin a hard time trying to figure out americans?

by  |  earlier

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my work involves calling up businesses for the yellow pages and we have to update their business listings and to inform them that they have a 30 day featured ad for free with us this year..SOME yell at me for no reason at all,SOME are racist,SOME does not even listen to what im saying and instantly assume im selling something

but all we do is updating their listing for them and say that theyre being invited to try out the trial and that they can cancel it anytime..if the want to continue its $35 a month but only if they want to that hard to understand?whats the best approach to make them LISTEN?




  1. Tell them right away that you're trying to HELP them by updating their business information.

    Work on your accent, I apologise if that's offensive but some people are racist, and there's nothing we can do about them

    If need be, tell them that you're not selling a product.

  2. You are selling something !  People here are tired of being called at home or work  by anyone they don't know.

  3. I agree if I were wanting to update my listing I would do it I don't need a call "asking me".  When I'm home relaxing asking me to sign up is an imposition on my free time I would rather be left alone.  I have also found that it is much harder to "cancel at anytime" than led to believe.

  4. This part : "theyre being invited to try out the trial and that they can cancel it anytime..if the want to continue its $35 a month but only if they want to continue.".. Is a solicitation.  Whether you know it or not you are trying to sell them something.  

    I also wouldn't listen.  I wouldn't just hang up on you, but I will NOT be solicitated on my own phone and I will cut the call short.

  5. I think Robert is correct in saying that if they are current customers, then a letter is more likely to be read, and generate on going business, rather than having to listen to someone on the phone.

    You could look at how you approach them on the phone; Call in business hours - after hours is very annoying

    Speak clearly and give your first name

    Ask them how they are going today

    Do they have spare minute to talk about their account with ............. what ever the name of the business your representing, and state clearly "I am updating and reviewing your information for the yellow pages, of which your business is currently listed with us".

    If they say we don't have business with you, DON"T argue, just ask if this is ................. such and such business, and if possible address and contact person, who originally signed up with your company.

    Try and keep the call short and brief.

    Time is money and spending time on the phone calls with people who are either trying to sell us some thing, sign us up with something is so very annoying, especially at night when we are trying to prepare tea, or bath and put the kids to bed. And for this very reason I have a silent phone number and have do not call listing for any business.

  6. Well you are selling something, you are selling the ad space and I am sure the whole point is so that most of the people forget to cancel.  These days people are so inundated with solicitation phone calls they just aren't interested.  If you can't handle it then I would suggest getting into a different line of work.  But just keep in mind you probably have to make 50 phone calls to find just one person interested - good luck!

  7. If they were actually current customers and you were just trying to update their info the best way is to mail them forms to fill out so they could update what was needed. Sounds like you are trying to sell another type of business ads and are trying to get companies to sign on by cold calling. Sorry but your a telemarketer. In America no one likes people calling on the phone bothering us with a sales pitch.  People may seem racist at times because not only are you bothering them by calling but the company you work for has outsourced it away from Americans. I get mad when I call a company and I get directed to a phone bank in another country. People instantly assume your selling something because you are. You want them to pay $35.00  a month after a free trial. I don't know many yellow pages that update every month. If you don't like being yelled at over the phone then you need another job cause very rarely does anyone like telemarketers.

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