
Pls help me again to find jubhelyn acain valencerina in vancouver canada. she is a tourist there pls help?

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Pls help me again to find jubhelyn acain valencerina in vancouver canada. she is a tourist there pls help?




  1. Maybe you shud go to the police

  2. Put posters up call the police uh

    phone the CBC news to put a thing on the news


    god be with thee

  3. If this person is a tourist to Canada, then they will not have a permanent address, and there is no website that you can post to that will locate that person.

    You will want to do one of three things:

    1) Contact the hotel where they were supposed to be staying and see if they checked in, checked out, or if they ever even heard of this person. If you know when they would have arrived and the hotel, it may be easier to track them down.

    2) Contact the Canada Customs office. When the person came into the country, their name and passport information would have been registered into the Canada Customs database. They normally have to tell the guard at the border where they are coming from, where they are going, and how long they will be in the country. Someone there may be able to give you information on what you need to do if the person has gone missing or you feel their life is in danger. (NOTE: They are not like the city operator! They will not track someone down just because you want to talk to them or have not heard from them while they are on vacation!)

    3) Call the Vancouver police and report them as a missing person. Again, this is only in cases of emergency. They will tell you how long you have to wait before the person is considered "missing", you will have to send them a description of the person or a photograph, details about them (example: they were expected at a certain hotel from this date to that date but never showed up. They were on flight X from a specific city on X date.)

    Vancouver and most Canadian cities are quite safe, and people do not simply go "missing" here on a regular basis. The police are honest and reliable so you can trust them to try and do their best to find this person, if it is indeed warranted. But again, if someone is coming here to relax and get away from work or family matters, the police cannot be used to simply track them down so you can "talk" to them. It is used only for serious situations, such as a person who may have been kidnapped, murdered, or to help protect a child that may be being taken advantage of.

  4. Put an advert in the papers in the missing ads,maybe they will answer.

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