
Pls help me by giving different suggestions and advices for reducing the global warming......?

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i want genereal ideas....




  1. There is no global warming in the first place. it is another lie by Democrats which is their job deceiving others so well. Why do you believe man who lies but God who speaks only the truth. When you see the Rainbow in the sky, It is the token of covenant between God and man and earth that There will be no more flood and cursing on the earth but there will be always seedingtime(spring),Harvest time(autumn), heat and cold, summer and winter,day and night without ceasing forever for perpetual generations(READ Bible genesis chapter 8and 9 for detail). Bible also teaches that Earth abides forever(read Bible Ecclestesians Chapter1:4.

  2. wait and this too shall pass. You as an individual can do little to affect the climate. Most of the things that affect the climate are pandemic in nature. A volcano erupts, and in your life time and several generations of your family afterward would be little more than a passing wind, unnoticed , and not spectacular.

  3. easy, go bike, eat healthy local foods, buy recycled, use recycled, unplug appliances when not in use, read instead of playing games on the computer, take short showers and don't water the plants during the day, don't clean your jeans every day, turn off the water when you wash your hands/ brush your teeth, i could go on and on.

  4. There are a lot of  "ifs" to be considered here. If the planet is warming, and recent findings suggest the opposite to be the case, and IF we are causing it, and IF this is a bad thing (it could actually be beneficial ) then some measures to lower global temp rise could be:

    Find a way to filthify the atmosphere, therein raising the albedo, which would reflect much of the sun's warming light and energy away from Earth.

    Set up millions of mirrors in low Earth orbit to reflect the sun's rays.

    And, back to Earth, we could simply car pool which if nothing else would surely save gasoline!

  5. Global warming is a fraud.

    50,000 American physicists have looked at the data from the IPCC and discovered that the data has numerous exaggerations and "extensive errors"

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