
Pls help me in the size of a parachute..?

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hi, i am making a mini parachute for my egg drop experiment.

i made one and it is pretty nice and stays in the air quite well.

i have a question here.

If i make the parachute bigger, will it stay in the air longer??

or the size of the parachute doesnt matter at all?




  1. When I did your experiment, here is what I used:

    While many "experts" agree that Π is approximately 3.14, modern philosophers have made a breaking discovery that Π is actually the name of and ancient alien aircraft. Due to this discovery, Pi- not Π is now equivalently 9.48 (See Below) The new pi was discoverd by the same 14 year old student as pi to the power of pi (see above) some say all that this student see's in his head is swirling numerical mess. Today, the value of Π is exactly 9.48204848924082089620862087620372385249 + one half + MD5.1AA. Give or take a quarter. The old value of Π was about 3.14159TL;DR. The decimal expression of pi has been traditionally interpreted to be about 3.141592653IGotIt69BeverlyHills90210@aol... This estimate dissatisfies modern-day mathematicians, however, who have used supercomputers to calculate the value of pi to the baskillionth jajillionth digit. When these mathematicians declared that digit to be 5, terrorists declared war on mathematics. Like all irrational numbers, the last two digits of pi are 42. From that point on numbers fail to describe it and instead colors must be used.

    The common fractional form of pi is 22/7. It is impractical in that it can only be used 22 hours during each day. The two hours in which 22/7 doesn't work typically occur from 8PM CET to 10PM EST (Time is a factor)

  2. In skydiving we use wing loading numbers, which equals to weight in poundt divided by the canopy size in square feet.

    For square canopies:

    A "safe and slow" wing loading is about 0,7

    An "usual" wing loading is close to 1

    A "high performance" loading is anything over 1,5

    For round canopies, it's roughly about double the area. A 26 feet diameter round canopy (530 sq ft) is probably like a 270 sq ft rectangular canopy.

    Be aware though, that you can't for example tie an egg to a real skydiving canopy. You're not loading the wing with enough weight to be able to contain the air inside, making it collapse and be useless.

    I'd say that any wing loading under 0,5 might be dangerous for the reason mentioned above.

    Let's assume the egg weights 2 oz., the ideal wing, rectangular shape canopy size would be around 30 square inches, and a round canopy would be around 60-70 square inches.

    Try and tell me!

  3. Area and mass of the material you use for your parachute will determine how much air resistance (drag) you get out of the chute. The more, the better. Drag is always in the direction of motion, so you want your chute to be as wide and deep as you can make it with respect to the ground.

  4. Egg drop experiment eh? I did those back in grade school. :D

    Do you have to use a parachute? There are other ways around it besides using a parachute. You can always layer the eggs with 20 or something layers or newspaper and it wont wreck.

    I did a parachute too back then. All you need to do is to make the parachute larger and wrap ur eggs in plastic then newspaper it but not too much. You don't want the bottom part too heavy. If the bottom part is heavy use a larger parachute.  

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