
Pls help me!! my 5 months old suddenly stopped taking milk from the bottle.

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it all started 2 weeks before. she used to drink 5ozs formula every feeding (5 times a day) then it was reduced to 3ozs then 2 ozs n then nothing. for medical reasons she was never breastfed.past 4-5 days she completely stopped taking formula frm the bottle.she would take it in the middle of the night in her sleep.but since yesterday she even stopped in the night. yesterday she woke up at the same time to be fed but simply refused to take the bottle n was crying out of hunger. sumhow after 2 hrs i managed to put her back to sleep after trying a lot n fed her with spoon in the morning. i tried everything from changing her nipple,to changing her bottle ,trying the sippy cup,changing position just abt everything.she is not teething. i tried sum solid n she took that (stage 1 food)i thought this wud just go for sum couple fo days but its already been 2 weeks now.i m really worried abt her nutrition intake.i have an appointment with her doc only after 3 days. help me pls!!it just makes me cry all day.




  1. its been two weeks and you are just now asking.  You need to call your pediatrician.  At this age just having stage 1 baby food is not enough.  Call today please.

  2. IF i was u i would call doctor and tell them u need to come in now that is not good if kid has not eating for that long at that age that is really not good for them she is really lacking nutrition and all.

  3. To me this sounds like a ear infection, or possible a sinus infection.  Go to the doc.  Get her meds, and I bet withing 24 hours she will be back to herself, and probable eating a load for a few days to make up for it.  :)

  4. Most newborn bottles have slow flow nipples on them which means the milk comes out slow so that baby doesn't choke by getting too much at once. Did you graduate her to faster flow nipples? The baby could be upset because there is no longer enough coming out fast enough. I know it sounds simplistic but if you haven't try getting nipples for older babies. I know some parents where their baby only drinks from AVENT brand bottles. So, those are a couple of things you could try. Also, if you haven't tried soy formula - you need to give that a try too - if she suffers from a milk allergy or sensitivity - that could also slow her down from eating. Soy has always been easier to digest and preferable for my kids.

  5. I once heard of a baby about that age who had difficulty latching all of a sudden.  It turns out what happened was the baby had gotten a hold of a grape and tried to eat it and the skin of the grape got stuck to the roof of her mouth and made is so she couldn't latch on to nurse.  You might try checking your baby's mouth for something like that.

    Also, I am told that a five month old can be taught to use a sippy cup.  Mine wasn't able to use one until well after a year, but I have heard of babies using a sippy cup.  Also, for emergencies I have heard of people using an eye dropper to get the baby some food until you can find a better solution.

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