
Pls help me to answer some easy mathematical question?

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The following stem-and-leaf display shows the time (in minutes) for a sample of college students took to complete a statistics test.

Stem & Leaf

3 789

4 22345

4 5677779

5 12234

5 568

a. How many college students were studied?

b. How many college students are there in the second class?

c. What are the smallest value and the largest value?

How many students completed the test less than 50 minutes?

I will provide BA.




  1. A) 23

    B) ????

    C) smallest = 37

         largest = 58

    15 people less than 50 minutes

  2. It's not so much of a BEST answer, but more of an ONLY answer.  Please study the stem and leaf system so you will know it the next time you see it.

    The STEM (numbers 3-5) are in the TENS place.  So the FIRST row of numbers is 37, 38, 39.  The LEAVES are in the ONES place.

    With this information, you should be able to answer the question with no problem.  However, I will tell you that there are 23 values.  Count them.

  3. I will help explain the stem and leaf plot and hopefully you'll get it afterwards. Basically what it is is just an easier way of organizing data. Look at the columns all the way to the left. They are as follows: 3, 4, 4,5,5. Usually they seperate the numbers so that the ones place in this case : 0-5 go in one column and 5-9 go in another to make the data easier to follow. So essentially the numbers there are 37,38,39, 42, 42, 43, 44, etc. Numbers CAN and will repeat.  

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