
Pls help me why is that each time my period finishes i will get bad sore throat.?

by  |  earlier

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i am in late forties the mucos in my throat and nose becomes very dry and i feel miserable.any home remedies please.




  1. take colloidal silver and grapefruit seed extract if you want to virtually kill all bacteria and nasties inside your body boost your immune system heavily.

    take 2 spoons of colloidal silver every day after your period, you'll see how good you feel.

  2. A sore throat is almost always an immune response.  I have no bloody idea (excuse the pun, please) why it should or would occur after your menstrual periods.  My closest guess is that through menstruating, you somehow become either immuno-suppressed or immuno-compromised slightly.  Are you anaemic (iron-deficient), and the bleeding is making this worse?  To see if you're anaemic, press hard on anyone of your fingernail beds.  If it turns white, and stays white, you're anaemic.  Are cuts and bruises taking a long time to heal on you, too?  Go to the doc and get tested for anaemia, diabetes and the host of other things it could be.  Pull your bottom lip down.  Is it a lovely bright red, or is it pale and getting paler?  Have you brought the issue(s) up with either your Gyno or your GP/PCP?  Were it me, I'd do the following:  1)  Start eating a LOT more greens, fresh veggies, fresh juices w/ lots of garlic and ginger, and start taking vitamins and minerals and herbs for my immune and endocrine systems.  Best of luck to you.  I'd also look at supplementing w/ Flouradix Iron w/ Herbs and lots of herbs such as garlic, yellow dock, dandelion, burdock, cress, red clover, all greens, alfalfa, NETTLE.  Some local fresh honey, propolis and royal jelly couldn't hurt, either.  Honey is EXTREMELY medicinal and healing.  Royal jelly is a superfood and extremely tonifying for women.  Propolis is extremely anti-bacterial, -viral, and -fungal.  Try to get organic, raw, local honey, ie go to a farmer's market and have a chat with the honey grower there, or go to your local co-op or healthfood store.  I'd also look at eating some serious meat once in awhile if you're a vegetarian, and if you're vegan, I'd stop being vegan.  When folks start getting immune responses they don't understand, and start getting sicknesses all the time, AND they're eating a highly restricitive diet, that's your body's way of telling you to quit it, so listen.  Also try ginseng and germanium or a rare earth supplement, especially if you're having weird food cravings that you can't seem to satisfy.  That's another way your body has to tell you it's deficient in something.  It can't exactly write ya a letter or take out a billboard, ya know?  If you email me and tell me more about your health, your body type and your diet, I can almost certainly help you to pin point exactly what's going on, or send you to someone in your area who can.

  3. Boiled white onions and unfiltered honey.

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