
Pls how can i get in contact with my friend LE KIEU. He is frm vietnam?

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Pls how can i get in contact with my friend LE KIEU. He is frm vietnam?




  1. Try to contact the people that knows your friend.

  2. It can be difficult since there are plenty of people in Vietnam with the same name. You may have a better chance to find him if you can narrow it down what city he currently lives.

  3. If you have any friend in Vietnam, ask them to create an ads in newspaper (cost $$) and to find the person you want.

    There are many famous newspapers that people in Vietnam read and I believe if someone know your friend, they will tell. (such as give them some $$ to thank them)

    Newspaper: Tuoi Tre, Thanh Nien, Nguoi Lao Dong, Cong An, Phu Nu, etc.

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