
Pls only answer this if you are so passionate about boxing.

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i've been a long fan of this guy but he has not been fighting the big guns lately or contending for the crown.

can Baby Joe Mesi save the heavyweight division?

pls let your answer be informative and also in critic's perspective.

10 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. I agree with Old dirty and to add Mesi is like a glass with a severly cracked edge, one wrong move and it will break. I always thought that he could have been okay but even without a injury he couldn't save the heavies remember his fight with Visaly proved that he really couldn't go with top fighters by taking those shots. he had promise but not real ability. he reminds me of marciano in a sense when rocky would take tons of damage and then come back for the win, but mesi took damage and never recovered from it.

    In boxing nowadays you have to be able to be exciting and mesi never fought much top compettion or any worth while fighter.for him to save the division he is going to have to challenge peter, wladimir and Ruslan without furthering his already damaged brain and by passing athletic commissions in New York and Vegas and that will never happen. His best bet if he came back now to save boxing is to fight in this order

    1.Holyfield-both needs comback fights

    2.Imbragomov-ranked safe fight

    3. Maskeve-former champion

    He would need to accomplish this before he could fight any real fights of mention. He would need to fight at least 3 fights against at least ranked fighters just to become a contender again

  2. Baby Joe suffered at least two subdural hematomas (bleeding in the brain) during his 2004 bout with Vassiliy Jirov, and subsequently had his boxing license suspended.

    He was able to get a new boxing license with some less-than-reputable athletic commissions (i.e. Louisiana, Puerto Rico) in 2006, and has fought six or seven fights since (all against bums), winning all of them.

    It's a fairly widespread belief in the boxing world that Mesi is an accident waiting to happen.  

  3. I wish i could say yes but now he is getting old.he is already 34 and he aint getting any younger.

  4. no i'm sure he isn't licensed in most committee's due to some injury, i can't remember exactly what but he shouldn't be fighting any more, plus hits a bit late for him now he must be in is mid thirties now  

  5. Nope.

  6. Old Dirty Drunkard pretty much covered it all. I will just add that Mesi did retire and is currently or was running for Mayor in his home town of Buffalo, New York. That's the last I heard of him but Id say hes done now.

    He has not fought since October of 07.

    I had allot of hopes for him as well, but the fight with Jirov ended his career, he showed allot of heart in finishing that fight but never fully recovered from it.

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