
Pls somebody help me what is better christian home school program, ACE or ALPHA and OMEGA ?

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my girl is 5, and ready to read, i wanted her to have advanced and excellent home schooling material for her to be able to learn to read, and to advance early in english, math, spelling, etc.




  1. If you want her to advance above other students, then do NOT use ACE.  I'm not exactly sure why they have "Accellerated" in their name - their curriculum is neither accellerated nor in depth.  I highly recommend you look at their materials before choosing them.  AOP is definitely better, IMO.

    You really need to match the curriculum to your daughter's learning style, and to your teaching style.  If she enjoys workbooks, then AOP's Lifepac or Horizons might be okay.  However, they don't teach to other learning styles, so if she's highly visual, or kinethetic (movement/hands on), then it's going to be a mis-match.

    So read books about learning styles, then research the curriculum that best meets it.  Personally, my son would dislike anything from AOP except for *some* of the SOS stuff (3rd grade and up).

    I was all set to use Sonlight when I started HS'ing when my son was five.  Then I realized how all of that reading didn't match his learning style (although he loves to read) and certainly didn't match my learning/teaching style.  So instead, I went with K12, Inc.  It's the best match for both of us.

    K12's Phonics program is *wonderful*.  My son was already reading at 5, but he learned a lot from it.  It's multi-sensory and hands-on.

  2. Alpah Omega OR the Weaver curriculum! I LOVE Alpha and have used it my whole life! She will LOVE IT!!!

  3. You need to attend a homeschool conference so you can look at each and every curriculum to make the best decision.  It's good to research stuff on the internet, but SO MUCH better to see it and look through it.  If you don't have a homeschool conference or a bookfair going on near you, find a homeschool or school supply store - they would at least have SOME materials to check out.  I'm with the others - find out the learning style... Cynthia Tobias' book "They Way They Learn" is an *excellent* book!  Or if you want an all-in-one book, get Cathy Duffy's "100 Top Curriculum Choices" because she spends the first part of the book helping you pick a learning style for your child, then the rest of the book gives you the best resources for that particular style.  Good luck!  It is a big decision!!

  4. How about looking into Sonlight. We are using it and really enjoy it.

    We tried ACE at the beginning of the year and found it tedious. She read a little and answered all the questions.  She wanted to go back to Sonlight as quickly as possible because she was so bored with it.

    I haven't looked into Alpha and Omega simply because we found what works for our family.

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