
Pls tell me how to develop my memory.....?

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hi iam shalini iam studin +2 i have got a very poor memory...i mean compared to my frnds i get upset for this and then i can advice any body and convince them with my answers but none does it to me




  1. wht u need is lot of practice.....concentration...


    make pneumonics ...better take expert opinion...

  2. Meditate once a day.

  3. We forget things for different reasons, especially if your very tired or mentally stressed or not eating right.  Good brain foods are omega 3 rich foods eg) fish and nuts or in capsule form.  The other thing is to exercise, We need for blood to circulate our brains.  and most of all we need to relax that brain of ours so try some meditation of some sort.  

  4. Hay my friend.

    You dont have to upset Because if you cant remember everything easily than it is not mean that you are weak than your friend.

    Their are many medicine in market but i dont think that will help you.

    You have to do YOGA that will help you most.

    Try to read in early morning. I think it create magic.

    Trust me it will work. But dont loss your confidence.

    ...Jiya for your help...

  5. well, this one i can answer better than any one else. listen, this sort of thing happened with me also. when you think that your memory is weak, that there is something lacking in you, then it is scientifically proven, that you start loosing confidence in yourself, in your memory. This is very hazardous, since our memory works correctly only when we believe in our memory. if you start doubting your memory, THEN YOU MIGHT EVEN FORGET YOUR NAME IN THE WORST CASE, AS IT HAPPENS IN THE CASE OF THE MENTALLY RETARDED, WHO BECOME MENTALLY RETARDED DUE TO LACK OF CONFIDENCE IN THEMSELVES. so the best and fastest way of improving yoour memory is that you start saying that you remember everything, you dont forget things, your memory is comparable or even better than the others. do this even if right now you are not able to recollect things. after a week, two weeks or so, you will definitely see a change.

  6. Poor memory is due to several factors. Your health is a major part of memory. Do you exercise? Maintain a healthy diet?

    A factor that contributes to loss of memory is caffeine. Caffeine causes agitation in your system, as well as your brain. The agitation directly alters your chance of retaining information given to you.

  7. First leave the mentality that u r memory power is too weak.. becoz it makes ur mentally weak.....

    Be bold and confident, try to do routine works like jogging, homework, playing with ur friends....

    try to put up a personal diary for urself, where u can write all ur daily happenings and wat to do for tommrrow (try to make some schedule)...

    keep everything routine, so u won't forget anything

    All the best

    Ur's Don.....

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