
Pls tell me on how to get the pulp of cogon grass pls ?

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bec. my investigatory project is cogon grass cardboard food packaging pls anybody know it pls share it to me im in rush im sorry for not giving you the information pls JonB can you help me i know you can help me im waiting for you sorry JonB for not giving you the complete idea pls tell me your Yahoo messnger and i will give mine this is my yahoo messenger account




  1. Well, I don't know about Cogon grass specifically .. did you choose your investigatory project, or was it provided to you?  Might want to talk to whoever gave it to you for sources.

    If you just want to make cardboard out of grass (not specifically cogon grass), then you can find a local overgrown field.  Cut some weeds and or grass.  See the attached link -- you cut it, soak it, boil it, then mash it -- either by hand or in a blender.   Finally, you spread some wet pulp onto a screen and let it dry.

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