
Pls. tell regarding job oppurtinities and residential prospects in Australia?

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i want to know basically the actual amount of money we should be requiring immediate after landing their to pay how much for rent in a house (any idea) , grocry indeed and basic amenities of life. Moreover any driving jobs oppurtunity to immediately start gets earning source for my husband. If anyone can guide me proper procedure followed by Australian Govt. to make eligible a person to start earning and residential arrangement aftre landing in Australia as permanent immigrant.




  1. It depends on what skills you have. If you have none you wont get in.

  2. For finding out how to migrate to Australia, all the information can be found on and follow the links to 'visas and immigration', then to workers, migrants etc. All the necessary info is there.

    As a migrant myself I alwasy find it funny a number of misconceptions people form other countries have about what's requred to migrate here, so get ready to get reading all the information posted by goverment on this website, it will take you at least a couple of hours per day and at least couple of weeks to find out what is suitable for you and your family circumstances... make sure you read about differnet categories of visas, check conditions and pricin. Pricing usually changes every April...

    I've already posted some answers to your other questions so be sure to check all the website links I'm including below... (e.g. centrelink is a social securitu department adn you can get a lot of help form them for a just arrived migrants if your money situation is 'needing')...

    Anyway, mu estimate is that for family of three you'll probably need around $5000 in the first month to set up all essentials (rent, bond, conncet electric and phone, for transport, food etc).

    Units or houses are unfurnished, so you can get good deals on 'first house set up' furniture deals at Fantastic furniture (e.g. 1 bedroom, loungeroom and dinnig room for about $3000 on a cheap)...

    Earning rates are average around $17 per hour fro a variety of jobs ...

    As for driving licence, you'll need to do a test and get Australian licence within 3 months... (which is around $100).

    Good luck... and get reading... a lot of reading...

    Also check out

    good luck

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