
Pls use bewilderment in a sentence...........?

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Pls use bewilderment in a sentence...........?




  1. Sometimes when searching through Yahoo answers, it can leave you with a look of bewilderment, and sometimes a with a feeling of mild amusement

  2. I was in complete bewilderment when I found out we had lost after being ranked #1.

  3. I am so willing to set you free from your bewilderment.

    Open up, start talking.. I'll get you through.

  4. Shinkirou stared at his friend in bewilderment... "May...? what the heck are you..." an evil gleam came into her eyes...

  5. Johnny was in complete bewilderment after his teacher started dancing the salsa with their yard stick.


    be·wil·der·ment (b-wldr-mnt)


    1. The condition of being confused or disoriented.

    2. A situation of perplexity or confusion; a tangle: a bewilderment of lies and half-truths

  6. filled with utter bewilderment, I stood up, picked up the squirrel and took him back outside.  

  7. The look of bewilderment was in the eyes of the crowd when they saw Johnny do his trick.

  8. You no longer have bewilderment about the answer to your question.

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