
Plug-in electric car? Build it and they will come?

by  |  earlier

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Then the fuel supply and infrastructure and the demise of foreign oil and carbon footprints will happen. Agree or disagree. I refer you to Henry Ford's Model T. The new kind of car will create the demand and solutions will immediately follow.




  1. This country does not have the electrical capacity to supply power to all the cars you hope for. And the current electrical supply is primarily from carbon footprinted sources. If you want all these electrical cars, then you must also support McCain's energy program. If not, then you're just plain clueless to energy production, supply and the massive need for expansion.

  2. It's a great plan but someone has to step up and start to develop one that is more efficient.  

  3. What ya gonna burn in all the new electric plants that will be needed to keep all those chargers running

  4. Yes. good idea. the affordable model t did start it all, as you noted. was not the first car by a long shot but the first affordable car that was massed produced and that was ford's big idea.

    electric car? build it and the demand for alternative fuels to augment the power grid will follow. built it and they will come.

  5. A couple of questions?

    Where will you get the electricity to power that elec car ?

    The US already has to import elec from Canada, because we do not produce enough ourselves.

    Power plants are the single largest producers of green house gas in the world, so you want more global warming too ?

    Now lets talk about the batteries used in elec cars.

    Ford motor company, says they are still working on the thermal events that occur with elec batteries.

    IE: thermal events - the batteries catch fire !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Then you have the problem, the batteries only last 4 or 5 years, meaning a $3,000 to $5,000 replacement cost.

    Then there is the fact, that there is no where in the US, to dispose of large batteries, right now they are all shipped to Canada for disposal.

  6. Plug in cars use electricity of course and most of our electricity if fired by dirty coal. So before we go crazy with plug in cars we need some clean electricity from wind and other clean sources.  

    Check out the "Pickens Plan" at this website very informative. Pickens is a very smart guy and is the only one that really has a workable plan that I can see.

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