
Plug in electric power saver - do they really work?

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Hi, I stumbled across these on e-bay and was wondering if anyone has really tried them and if they really work? If so, what kind would you recommend?




  1. I just bought a "Kill-A-Watt" a few months ago and brought my electric bill from 170$ to about 100$ per month, by finding and putting some of my appliances and stuff on power-switches with on-off buttons. So yeah it paid for itself in less than 1 month.

    That plus swapping out my electric lights with fluorescents cost me about 50 bucks, and in the first month saved me over 70, so that was a no-brainer if ever there was one, between that, and purchasing those canvas bags, instead of plastic baggies, and buying a Prius last year, after getting financially abused at the gas pump I've seen the light on this subject and now I'm a veritable tree-hugger either that or I'm just SERIOUSLY cheap.

  2. I am not so sure.

    I read that these power saver is more like surge protectors, except they dont off power when the current or voltage is too high. It only stabilized voltage across the same wiring outlet it is used, thus electrical appliances plugged onto a wall socket that is of the same power line will benefit from more stable current flow.

    I planned to buy one, cause I really need to drop the power usage in my house. Currently, all I could do is to change all my light bulbs to energy saving ones, bought smaller fans for daily use, stopped using air-conditioner, set my refridgerator to a less-cooler setting, and well, turn on my lightings at minimum at night (meaning usually I leave a light on at every corner of my house but now, only in the area I am in).

    Bill dropped a bit, but at least it does help. Several tips:

    - Off things that you don't need

    - Before you buy something, check it power consumption rating and see which products uses lesser power than the other (like if you want to buy a large sized fan, do you really need an 18' industrial standard one? Perhaps a 16' is alright right?)

  3. The best thing to do is switch it off, not with the off button.

    Turn it off with a power strip.  

    Watch the show "Living with Ed"

    He rewired his house so that when they leave, one switch turns off the things that waste power.

  4. My friend just bought one but she hasn't told me if i works yet or not ill try to tell you as soon as i can.

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