
Plugging 2 effect pedals into an amp (guitar)

by  |  earlier

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i want to know if it is possible to use a distortion pedal and a reverb pedal at the same time. if you can, do you plug the 2 pedals together with another cable? do they have to go in a certain order?




  1. Hi BBall

    The poster above is not giving the correct answer. The reverb goes to the amp, the distortion plugs in as a last pedal. The cleanest pedal is always first pedal in the amp. This way, you get a good clean sound and less hum .

    If you have 3 or 4 pedals, the distortion is the last pedal and that is where you plug your guitar in. Try it and let me know. You will hear lots of hum if you plug distortion pedal first.

  2. Yes you can. You need to buy another cable or little adaptor to do this. What I would do is plug the guitar into the reverb, then the reverb into the distortion, and then the distortion into the amp. It does matter which one goes first because the one closest to the amp gets the greater effect I found. Just like if you have a distortion and a wah pedal. You have to plug the guitar to the wah pedal first because the wah will be too much for the distortion. Hope this helps.

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