
Plugging in laptop cord?

by  |  earlier

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which is better for the laptop- plugging it first into the wall then the laptop or the other way around




  1. in to the wall first.  Your laptop plug is a power converter. It converts ac to dc.  so if you plug it into your laptop first there is chance that a spike of power can get to the laptop due to the fact for a split second the cable is at a low voltage state

  2. I don't really think it matters that much, but I always plug into the wall first, then plug in the equipment.

  3. i read somewhere the you should plug it into the laptop first then into the wall. I think it was from a laptop vendor website under support.

  4. I doubt it matters Ive done both and I haven't gotten any problems.

  5. i dont think it matters really. What ever you feel more comfortable with.

  6. laptop then wall.

    Well really laptop, then surge protector then wall.  Always use a surge protector so it won't fry your mother board and kill your machine.  

  7. There will be no difference in how you plug it in. Electrons don't start flowing until all circuits are connected.  

  8. Laptop first, then into the wall.

  9. It won't matter (and ignore the idiots who say you need surge protection, if you've never had equipment mysteriously blow up you don't (even if you have powerboards with surge suppression they usually only work for the first few surges then fail to stop any more while still showing the protected light, real surge protectors cost a lot of money)).

  10. It makes no differance what-so -ever.

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