
Plugs/Gauges: Size 4 to 2...?

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So, I have had my size 4 gauges in for almost a week and I am currently (at this very moment) attempting to stretch to a size 2. I cannot get it in and I'm afraid if I push it too much I'll tear my ear. I am using neosporin right now, but any tips on what to do? and someone who has stretched that 4 to 2 a hard stretch?




  1. Stop. Everything that you are doing. Now.

    Why? First off if you've had them at a 4g for a week, there is no chance that they are fully healed. Your piercings need to be entirely healed before you stretch them again. You are putting yourself at risk of tearing your lobe, infection, etc.

    Secondly, neosporin is vaseline based. Vaseline is bad for piercings that aren't healed...or any piercings period. It doesn't let oxygen get to the piercing and it builds up. If you need to use a lubricant, you need to use a water based lubricant, not vaseline.  

  2. 4g to 2g is a difference of about 1mm. It's the same size jump as 6g to 4g. The reason your ear is refusing to stretch is you've only been at 4g for a week! If you want healthy, thick, nice looking lobes you should wait at LEAST a month before stretching to a 2g, preferably 2-3 months.

    Stretching your ears is not a race to see who can get bigger the fastest. It's a matter of being patient, listening to your body, and not pushing it before its ready. even if you don't get a blowout (which at this pace, you very very likely will) you're going to have scar tissue and likely thin lobes.

    So, advice: Slow down, keep your ears at 4g for at least a month, do oil massages (emu oil and jojoba oil work well) every day, and listen to your body.  

  3. I had to taper mine. And yes they tore. And yes it hurt like h**l. I would just use vasoline if I were you when you taper them. There is really no need to use neosporin. Have you tried to gradually loosen them? I hung padlocks from mine to pull at them gradually so it wouldn't be as hard to get to the 2, but they still tore. It all depends on your skin I guess.

  4. you should wait atleast 2 weeks before attempting another stretch so they can heal you risk the chance of a blow out if you cant wait read on

    stretch one way if you want fast results is while in a shower gently slip it into year, adding vaseline always helps, another way is by using a taper every day gently pushing  it in little by little and eventually it will get it, your final and last resort is to simply force it in and judge each day if its showing any sign of infection or of tear

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