
Plums are dehydrated to make prunes, then the prunes are used to make prune juice? Why not plum juice?

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  1. Found this on Wikipedia

    Prune juice is made by softening prunes through steaming and then putting them through a pulper to create a watery puree. Prunes and their "juice" contain the natural laxative dihydrophenylisatin (related to isatin).[3] Prunes also contain dietary fiber (about 7%, or 0.7 g per prune). Prunes and prune juice are thus common home remedies for constipation. Prunes also have a high antioxidant content.

  2. Because prunes are used to make PRUNE juice, not plums. =D

  3. because there was the humoungous storm while they were having this huge meeting to decide what to call prune juice, and they started configuring what the percentage of people would be aftger McCain started running for president if batman would drop vigilante-ness and that would cause richard gere to be g*y for johnny depp and in all that would fuse together sumo wrestling with fake american wrestling which would lead to more abortion rates once the moon quit doing it's job and physicist would become horrible at math which would cause radon to leak out in the sewer systems and in all, they decided to call it prune juice...

    the end and peace out.

  4. I think it has to do with the sugars developing when they're dehydrated.  But, I'm not sure and am most likely wrong!!!

  5. The process of drying the plums to turn them into prunes caramelizes the natural sugars, resulting in a more concentrated, sweeter flavor. Plums are a bit tart and have a lot of moisture, so plum juice is quite a different thing.

    Historically, it would have also had a lot to do with seasonality. Plums (and thus plum juice) are only in season for a few weeks. So if you're in the business of producing plums, you only make money for a couple weeks, and you're selling at the same time as every other plum grower, which drives the price down. However, if you turn them into prunes they last most of the year, and you can produce the prune juice whenever you want.

  6. Prune juice is more concentrated and sweeter.  No sugar has to be added.

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