
Plus size woman and heavy weight girl are u like u size and what is u weight ?

by  |  earlier

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iam 400 ibs and tall 5(10)




  1. I'm 300 lbs and 5'8.  I'm a size 22.  I love being plus sized, but I'd still like to lose a little weight.  My perfect size is 16.  That way I feel healthy, look good, and am still a big girl. :D

  2. lol i never tell my wieght lol  

  3. I'm a size 20_22 and I use to hate hate hate it, until I met my hubby. who's a size 32 waist, and hot as h**l. He loves me for who I am and my b***s. So yup I'm happy  

  4. am overweight and i dont like my size o.+ end of story

  5. I am a plus size gal and overall am not too happy with my size (around size 26-28).  I realize that my body is not meant to be a stick, but I would like to try and get down to size 18-20, where I felt more comfortable in the past.  It is hard being a size that most of society rejects.

  6. hi i am a 21year old male and i like woman who are plus sizes. i think they are hot and s**y. when you cuddling them  they 're like a warm teddy bear . I'm not into thin woman.

  7. I am 5'10 and a size 20 with no clue what I weigh.  Although I am not thrilled with my size, I am healthy (just got every test known to man done) and all in all that is what matters.

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