
Plymouth university?

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hey m a grad(3yr grad) i dont have the option of doin my masters in US..I am considering d option of doin masters in business mgt in Plymouth university,UK..can u guys tell me if its a ranked univ?nd is it good?can u plzzz help me?




  1. It's a 'new university' meaning that before 1992 it used to be a polytechnic.

    In other words it isn't a very long established university in terms of a lot of others. Universities in the UK tend to be split into the really old ones (Cambridge, Oxford, Durham for example) (highly thought of) and the ones that sprung up in the 60s (mostly well thought of too), and then there are onces which used to be polytechnic colleges and further education colleges which can be looked down on a bit. My dad has worked in many places where they used to be FE colleges and vehemently denies them being much good.

    However, it is ranked not too badly in The Times university ranking list (in the middle) and not badly in The Guardian either. The Guardian also ranks it as no. 2 of 'new universities'.

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