
Plz Fix My Burn/Stall (=Direct Damage) Deck?

by  |  earlier

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Get Cards:

1 Card Destruction

1 Sangan

2 reckless greed

1 creature swap

1 monster reborn

1 morphing jar #2

7 total

Destroy Spell/Trap:

1 Dust Tornado

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 heavy storm

3 total

Destroy Monster:

1 Sakuretsu Armor

1 Torrential Tribute

1 Dark Dust Spirit

1 Tribute To The Doomed

1 skull lair

5 total

Inflict Direct Damage:

1 Lava Golem

1 Magic Cilinder

3 Ominous Forunetelling

3 Attack and Receive

1 Stealth Bird

3 Just Desserts

3 Princes of Tsuguri

1 Des Koala

1 ookazi

1 cemetery bomb

1 ceasefire

16 total

Protect from Attacks:

1 Des Counterblow

1 Gravity Bind

1 Swords of Revealing Light

1 Scapegoat

1 The Dark Door

1 Spirit Reaper

1 zero gravity

1 lever limit – area B

1 curse of anubis

9 total


Im already looking for 2 stealth birds, 2 des koalas, a marshmallon, 3 poison of the old man and a morphing jar. Other suggestions or some cards that need to be removed?

Plz fix and Rate (before and after fix)




  1. 1: u should put ur cards in monster/spells/traps catagories


    3: u should have something like this:

    3 Solar Flare Dragons

    3 Ultimate Baseball Kids

    3 Command Knights

    3 Raging Flame Sprites

    2 Thing In The Craters

    3 UFO Turtels

    3 Fire Troopers


    2 Dark Snake Syndrome

    2 Dark Room Of Nightmare

    Lighting Vortex

    Nobleman Of Crossout

    Wave Moition Cannon

    Nightmare Steelcage

    Level Limit Area B

    2 Backfire

    2 Ceasefire

    Gravity Bind

    3 Gift Cards

    Bad Reaction To Simochi

    Torrential Tribute

    G-Bind and Level Limit are to protect monsters

    Solars, Kids, Troopers and others named above to inflict damage w/o attacking

    Gift Cards are a good combo w/ BRTS

    side deck some cards that increase opponet's LP

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