
Plz Rate My Pokemon Diamond Team?

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Deoxys lvl 100 palkia lvl 100 diagla lvl 100 groundon lvl 100 raquaza lvl 100 and giritina lvl 100. plz rate and give good advice! if you are 1st and best one i will rate u best!




  1. 4 its ok but not too good  

  2. 5 out of 5, but the bad thing is use can't use them in battle tower

  3. 9 out of 10  email me if  u want to battle

  4. ok well i hate ubers myself but to each his own if i were u i would make a whole new team with no ubers in it 1 that would make ur team a actual good team lol my suggestions are







    those are good pokes that will give u a sure win in battles i used to use it and i never lost but i never stick with 1 team im always using differnt 1s but i never use ubers so go with that team and u will win many many battles i rate ur team if u like ubers 9/10 becaue no team is perfect but since it is ubers and i hate them i rate a 0/10 srry

  5. Fail/10. Anyone who says otherwise has no knowledge of Pokemon.

    All ubers is such a bad idea. I could slaughter you with my team, and that's without really trying.

  6. Id Have To Give A 5/10.  I Like The Fact That You Want To Use Legendaries (I Used To As Well) But If You Plan On Battling Someone On Wifi Most People Dont Like It When You Use Em :P   (Nice Job Putting Those Together Though)

  7. Soz man but i would give it a 0/10.

    yeah it is a strong team but i hate ledgenarys i think they are cheap and boring.

    on diamond my team is







    soz but i would get rid off all the legendarys

  8. ur pokemon r all legendary thats like a cheap team plus u have a lot of dragons so i can ice u literally u might want to use regular pokemon there more fun to battle with but u can keep groudon cause i lik him

  9. I'll rate it a 9/10! All my pokemon are also level 100 but i have level 100 pokemon more than you! But you are still cool! Peace!

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