
Plz answer my question! ( i post it again)?

by  |  earlier

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Are there any pills out there that brings high intelligence?

or develops your intelligence?

And by high intelligence i don't mean something that

improves your memory and makes you focus..

i MEAN high intelligence,(something that makes your intelligence level go up) not something that helps you

focus or improves memory,

plz answer my question again.




  1. don't rely on pills .  if a pill helps u improve 10%  , it's sideffects can be 20%.  

                 what i suggest is that go for MEDITATION . IT HELPS IMPROVING UR CONCENTRATION POWER .

                           IT MAKES UR body light &free from any stress .             and will automatically improve ur level of intelligence if u will not have any negative thoughts .  

              try it . BEST OF LUCK.

  2. adderall.

    makes you concentrate and its legal lol,

    but its not really good for you it can make u stay up for days

  3. No. But does intelligence really matter?Unless someone has such a low i.q. that makes day to day activities difficult needing constant supervision.We all get by with the the average score.Intelligence is multifaceted and doesn't mean a thing outside of academics.

  4. Ok I don't know why the first answerer put what they put, the question was clearly stated.  But the answer is no.  Nothing exists that will boost your intelligence.  And besides, taking Adderall when it is not prescribed for you is abusing a drug, and it is just as bad as taking illegal drugs.  So don't do it.

  5. there is not a pill out there that can boost your intelligance but there are pills that can help you stay focused and more open minded.

  6. No pills can increase your intelligence.

    The only pill you need is the meditation pill and visit these sites -

  7. The answer is no. But see below.

    And I don't know why the first person put Adderall when you CLEARLY stated "I don't mean something that improves your memory"

    Although something could be said for taking vitamins and eating well. But if you mean something that you would take and boost you 15 IQ points, that doesn't exist.

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