1. Can any tuner monster be used to special summon a synchro monster?
2. Can you tribute a tuner monster and a non-tuner monster(s) that equal level more than the desired synchro monster, or do you tribute monsters that equal the exact level of the synchro monster?
3. Can the monsters you wanna tribute for a synchro summon be in your hand as well? (and is there really such thing as synchro summon in this game?)
4. Do synchro monsters have to be in your fusion deck?
5. Are there any magic/trap cards needed for a synchro summon?
6. Do you destroy, tribute, or send to the graveyard the monsters needed for the synchro summon
7. Can you get rid of more than one tuner monster for a synchro summon?
8. Can synchro monsters be special summoned from the graveyard? (before or after they're properly summoned?)