
Plz answer not good at matching things like this?

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Number a sheet of paper from 1 to 12. Read the sentence beginnings listed below, and match them with the correct sentence endings that follow. Write each correct pair down on your paper. Then, type your answers into the box below. Please be sure to type the entire sentence, not just the number and letter!



1. The president is elected by


A. Congress.

B. an electoral vote.


"The president is elected by an electoral vote." (not "1. B.")


1. Through cooperation we can protect ourselves from

2. Most people need no law-enforcement officials

3. Cities and states cooperate in highway protection by

4. Governments carry on inspections of places of business

5. Between 35,000 and 40,000 persons lose their lives in

6. America's greatest resource is the

7. Knowledge, skills, and industry will not avail much unless

8. From 10,000 to 12,000 lives are lost

9. Each year, the second week in October is designated as

10. That fires can be prevented by community action has been

11. Workers in many trades and professions are required to obtain licenses or certificates because

12. Conservation of natural resources is the job of


A. knowledge, skills, and industry of her people.

B. all citizens of the United States.

C. to be sure that sanitary and safety regulations are observed.

D. National Fire Prevention Week.

E. people are healthy.

F. certain enemies like carelessness, ignorance, and rashness.

G. to compel them to be good citizens.

H. providing standard traffic signs throughout the nation.

I. it is difficult for the average citizen to judge the quality of the services they provide.

J. promote honesty in advertising and selling practices.

K. automobile and truck accidents every year in the United States.

L. each one of us must do his part.

M. proved by the records of certain cities that have low fire losses every year.

N. every year from fires.




  1. I am sorry.  I will not do your work for you.  Maybe you should try it first and then post your answer and ask for help that way.

  2. We're not going to do your work for you.

    Take it one problem at a time. Look at 1. 'Through cooperation we can protect ourselves from...' Now look at the rest of the list. Instead of looking for what makes sense, look for what doesn't because that way you can't confuse yourself as easily. It can't be N. 'Through cooperation we can protect ourselves from every year from fires.' That doesn't make sense, so it's not N.

    When you get something right, cross it off the list so you don't end up accidentally reusing anything.

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