
Plz answer soon im here I heard some people can go places when there asleep?

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i heard some people can leave there spirit and see wats going on in the world do you know how to do this or if you have




  1. Joe, Joe, yes,  I think you're referring to something called, "Astral projection," a phenomenon some people believe comes about when the conscious mind leaves the body by going into an "astral mode" of being.  

    Usually this sensation comes about when a person is taking a rest or nap.   Often, the person is lying flat on his back when the feeling comes upon him of being pulled out of his body and then out the window and through the air, flying, many times at breakneck speeds, over treetops, through woods, high above the roofs of houses....

    In  tamer instances of astral travel, a person's astral body  simply floats or hovers over his own physical body, never leaving the room.  

    In both instances, the astral body soon returns, without too much trouble, into the person.

    In order to bolster your confidence and allay any possible doubts you might have, I would advise you to research this topic (astral projection) before following suggestions offered on Yahoo .   Here is a  preliminary "short list," however,  that you could look over in the meantime:

    In order to prepare for astral projection, it is suggested that you sit or lie in a relaxing, quiet spot, and that you wear fairly loose, comfortable clothes.  Cover yourself up to your upper torso with a not-too-bulky blanket.

    While you are in this position of repose and solitude, you should concentrate on relaxing every part of your body; work your way down, from head to toes, telling your neck to relax itself, then your shoulders, arms, fingers, etc., all the way down to the soles of your feet.

    Do simple breathing exercises, inhaling slowly through your nose and then exhaling, making sure your mouth is slightly open when you exhale.  Repeat this breathing process a couple of times, or until you feel adequately relaxed.

    Picture yourself free and floating, unencumbered and part of the universe....

    If there is a feeling of fear or trepidation during these preparation and visualization exercises, it is probably best to abandon the astral attempt, at least for now.

    If you plan to become involved in this, my advice to you is to channel  the metaphysical realm by using your own will, and with a full understanding of all that it might be - both the  positive aspects and the negative.  Also, ask yourself what are the advantages of experimenting with this activity?  How about the possible disadvantages?     Not everything is as it seems, and astral projection might not be as innocuous as some people believe.

    If you do decide to embark on this soulful journey, then "Bon Voyage and, in simpler terms, "Good Luck!"

  2. dude, go to h**l.

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