
Plz answer this. Did my grandfather make me g*y?

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I am now 23. When I was 7 years old I went to my grandfather's (My mother's uncle) house. He was a huge man almost 6ft 4 inch tall like a wrestler. He said me that he was going to teah me science. He took a science book and sat on a sofa. He asked me to sit on his lap. I sat on his lap and he started reading the textbook. I was listening to him. Casually he started grabbing my **** and rubbed. I did not know anything about s*x at that time and I was feeling bit uneasy. He moaned in my ears and asked whether I liked it. I said yes and it went on for 15-20 minutes. Then that whole day, whenever he had a chance he grabbed my ****. That was over. Now I am 23 and g*y. Now sometimes when I feel horny I think of him. Did that incident make me g*y? And also what do you think of my grandfather? How can I punish him if he had done was wrong?. I wonder how many boys were affected by him.




  1. he probably didnt make you g*y but that is deff child molestation but its probably to late to take him to court since it happened so long ago. are you out? you should deff sit down and talk with your mom about it. he deserves to b in jail

  2. thats too ****** weird dude...

  3. thats too f****n weird dude...

  4. I dont think anyone can make u g*y. Its up to you on how u feel. As for your granfather i think what he did was very very wrong, you were only 7!

  5. That's really child molestation,and pedophile. well I suggest you talk to him openly and make him understand that what he's been doing is wrong nd see what comes out from him.


  6. thats child molestation right there.  A sick part of society.

  7. No, your grandfather didn't make you g*y.  What happened is called sexual abuse or sexual molestation.  It happens to all kinds of people and some grow up g*y, but most grow up straight.  If affects people differently, but most people do not have very good feelings about such things.  If you feel the need to work through your feelings, there are psychotherapists who are qualified to work on issues like this.  There are also support groups for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

    It may help you now if your grandfather is still alive to make sure that he is not doing this with other children.  If you have any brothers or sisters who now have young children of their own, then you may want to do everything you can to protect them - or any other children that he may be around.

  8. How do you live with yourself!

  9. ok...

    1. he didnt MAKE you g* are either born g*y or not...

    and 2. HE IS A PERVERT! Child molestation buddy!

  10. That man, took advantage of you.

    That's a sick, and twisted thing for anyone to do- much less an adult the child trusts.

    You were a small child, and when someone is touched in that area, your body responds to stimulus. Meaning, you feeling the way you did was not your fault- it was your body's response.

    Your grandfather didn't "make" you g*y. No one is "made" g*y, at least not in my opinion. He may have influenced your attraction to males, but he didn't "make" you g*y.

    If that makes sense.

    That was incredibly saddening to read. Your grandfather was/is a sick, sick man. Legally, you can't really do anything now. There's a limit to such things as that. It differs by state,but there's a limit to how long you have to report the incident. It's usually between the 5-10 year scale.

    You could warn your family, though, if this man is still alive. So that he doesn't hurt anymore innocent children. =/

  11. well go to him and tell him how u feel

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