
Plz answer this on teaching and schools?

by  |  earlier

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plllz help me I've asked this 3 times I'm from Ireland and want to do work experience in USA .it is aorta like a project.I had an interest of going to an elementry school in los angeles andsitting in the classes for a week taking notes and just seeing what teacheing is like in USA because I would like to work there when I'm older I am 16 is this possible would schools in la allow this. Its only for a week without pay and taking notes etc and seeing whats its Like ............ Wwoek experience helps u decide what u waana do when ur older u get to try it out any answers would be appreciated.... Oh and I wouldn't be teaching I'm too young just helping out taking notes etc




  1. Yes, what you want to do is possible, but you cannot count on just being able to walk up to a school and have them let you in to sit in on classes.  That has to be planned beforehand, as I indicated in answering your other questions.  Get the administration of your current school involved, get your step-sister involved, and start the planning now, as it could take a while to get permission to do what you want to do.  And when do you want to do this?  Schools in the US will be closing for the summer quite soon, and will not start again until August/September, so keep that in mind.  Best of luck with your plans.

  2. You can come as a visitor to an elementary school here. But You Know that the government is having like a money thing (I Think) so it may be hard to get a job now or even a little later or somethin because they are still firing teachers for money.

  3. Mark,

    Go to the Mexican part of L.A. to get the low down of teaching in the U.S. It will give you insight to America that you will need to know as Mexican-American's are the fastest growing minority in the U.S.

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