
Plz answer this ????

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ok me and my boyfriend has been trying to get pregnant for 2 months now and last time i was for sure i was... but i got my period when i was at my cuzins house and i thought i had a miscarry but i still got sick and stuff my period lasted the week but now i really think i am pregnant my moth is always dry and i get sick all the time i get dizzy for a few mins and now i get sharp pains in my stumch i just want to know is it normal to feel like your going to get your period even though you know u wont get it??




  1. No it's not normal, you probably ate something that upsets your stomach. If not, there's something else and I believe it's best to consult your doc.

  2. and you put this in language category???best advice is to consult your doctor now.  
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