
Plz answer what will be the future of PAKISTAN as what s going on now a day regarding economically.?

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Plz answer that what will be the future of PAKISTAN as what is going on now-a-days regarding economically and diplomatically, and would the current government able to rule over PAKISTAN long lasting or at least till 5 years? ZAHID KHAN DURRANI




  1. dont worry dear friend

    pakistan's future is very good

    our GDP from 2001 to 2006 is 7

    but in 2007 it is 6.5

    and in 2008 it will be 6

    it is due to USA and our foolish leaders

    our karachi stock exchange is largest of asia

    our economy increasing very fast

    but our president and political leaders wants to destroy us

    inshallah we make progress again

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