
Plz help,extremely simple html question?

by  |  earlier

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y wont anything under "<MARQUEE>"show?and i kno marquee is very annoying i just tryin different stuff


<body bgcolor="red">






<MARQUEE>I will rule the bitchs i will rule the world RYAN RESO WILL DIE OF A HEAERT ATTACK<MARQUEE/>



<strong>gona learn this ****







  1. in html , tags can go in pairs or singles (which is not realllllly xml, but well, for historical reasons).

    tags that go in pairs : &lt;tag&gt;   &lt;/tag&gt;

    tags that go in single : &lt;tag /&gt;   (notice the space)

    all the tags except the &lt;hr&gt; you wrote go in pairs.

    my proposal is :


    &lt;body bgcolor=&quot;red&quot;&gt;



    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;MARQUEE&gt;I will rule the **** i will rule the world RYAN RESO WILL DIE OF A HEAERT ATTACK&lt;/MARQUEE&gt;

    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;strong&gt;gona learn this **** &lt;/strong&gt;




  2. You&#039;ve got the slash in the wrong place in your HTML tags.  Try this:

    &lt;MARQUEE&gt;I will rule the bitchs i will rule the world RYAN RESO WILL DIE OF A HEAERT ATTACK&lt;/MARQUEE&gt;

    The slash goes in front of the keyword.

  3. it should be closed  as &lt;/marquee&gt; and not &lt;marquee/&gt; :-)

  4. &lt;MARQUEE&gt;The world is beautiful...&lt;/MARQUEE&gt;

    now see if it works....

  5. Ditto to what Cici said, also you should stick to lowercase for all your tags if you&#039;re learning xhtml (which is more current and used than html), AND you need to close your &lt;/strong&gt; tag &amp; &lt;hr /&gt; tags.

    Also you spelled &#039;b*****s&#039; &#039;heart&#039; and &#039;gonna&#039; wrong (not that it matters to the code, but if you&#039;re slamming this guy you&#039;ll want to spell it right)

    this works:


    &lt;body bgcolor=&quot;red&quot;&gt;



    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;marquee&gt;I will rule the b*****s i will rule the world RYAN RESO WILL DIE OF A HEART ATTACK&lt;/marquee&gt;

    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;hr /&gt;

    &lt;strong&gt;gonna learn this ****&lt;/strong&gt;




  6. Because your slashes need to go BEFORE the word. It needs to be &lt;/marquee&gt;

    Same with every one of your tags. The slashes go before a word, not after, that doesn&#039;t make sense.

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