
Plz help and answer?

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i have got admission in one of university in london in phd. so i want to ask that once i will get there will i be able to get a job odd job or any to support my studies or anythin in university outside etc etc. i hope u understood? as i have so many friends there in london as a international students like me and they are supporting their studies themselves and their parents are not sending them any money. when i ask them they dont tell so cany u plz help me in that. plz guide me about that .. how come they are doing it on their own . i dont want my parents to spend that much money on me as they are old and all. they have to save money for them also but dont know what do? i wont get opportunity like this again which i dont want to loser. plz plz plz plz help

thnaks waiting for your answers




  1. Relax, as an international student in the United kingdom you are legally allowed to work part-time which is no more than 20 hours per week, unless your employment is part of your studies and has been agreed with your educational institution and leads to a degree or qualification awarded by a nationally recognised examining body.

    You are also permited to work full-time (40 hours per week) during the holidays.

    There are no restrictions placed on where you can work.

  2. most phds i know get paid to teach undergrad classes or get paid stipends as teachers aids. depending on your area, you might be able to get a part time job. i'm in law school and its taking all my time so i don't work.
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